Dairy products: Nutritional value and allies in weight loss!

Dairy products: Nutritional value and allies in weight loss
IDKateris S.A dairy machines for dairy products

Milk and various dairy products are among the most nutritious and important components of our daily diet. Milk, yogurt and cheese provide multiple benefits to our health, both for bone growth and good tooth condition, as well as for our skin and metabolism. Specifically:

Milk production – Dairy products

Milk, the most important representative of dairy products, is one of the most complete natural foods we have at our disposal.

To understand its value, it is enough to think that it is the only food for the newborn during the first six months of its life. It is no coincidence that it occupies an important role in our daily diet.

The great biological value of milk is due to the variety of nutrients it contains, which make it a valuable food for all ages. Milk contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, valuable elements for the human body. Proteins are the basic building block of the body. They ensure its proper functioning as well as muscle growth.

Casein, the high protein of milk, strengthens the body’s natural defenses, regulates blood pressure, helps deal with stress and has soothing properties.

Milk is also the only food in nature that contains the carbohydrate lactose, which is a useful source of energy and is not lost during the milk production process.

Vitamins, A, B1, B2, B12, C, D are of special importance

  • Vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of healthy cells
  • C for the formation of healthy connective tissues
  • A for the functioning of the immune system
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2 contributes significantly to the conversion of food into energy and helps the body utilize the valuable nutrients such as protein or carbohydrates
  • Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining bone health. Without the necessary amount of it, our body can not absorb the calcium it needs for strong bones.

Calcium plays the most important role in building strong and healthy bones and that is why it is absolutely necessary especially in the development of a child’s body. It also contributes to the growth of strong teeth, helps blood clotting and even creates a shield against osteoporosis.

In addition, calcium regulates many functions in our body, such as the transmission of nerve messages to the heart, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, and is also essential in blood clotting and the function of various metabolic enzymes.

Many factors help in the effective absorption of calcium, but the most important role is played by vitamins D and C. For this reason, milk and dairy products in general are usually enriched with these vitamins.

Another factor that helps in the intestinal absorption of calcium is lactose (a carbohydrate contained in milk).

Phosphorus in milk is a nutrient essential for the growth, maintenance and repair of all body tissues, and is essential, along with calcium and magnesium, for proper bone growth and formation.

Milk also helps to lose weight!

Those who consume larger amounts of milk generally have better regulation of their body weight, compared to those who consume less milk.

The combination of high levels of calcium in the body and adequate intake of slow-digesting protein, such as milk casein, further increases thermogenesis (a process in which our body burns fat and produces energy), prevents overproduction of cortisol (catabolic hormone) and, in combined with exercise, contributes to the overall reduction of body weight.

Yogurt production – Dairy products

Yogurt is a very nutritious and digestible dairy product, suitable for all ages and of course for all stages of development. Contains a high percentage of protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, B2 and B12. The combination of all these ingredients contributes to the rapid growth of the body and the maintenance of human health.

It is a digestible, light and nutritious food, ideal for all ages. The changes that yogurt undergoes due to fermentation make it fully digestible by the body (the proteins it contains are 93% digestible!). Yogurt is also a good alternative for providing calcium in case of stomach problems, if you are lactose intolerant and can not drink milk.

Yogurt is a complete meal by itself that can well replace one of the two intermediate meals especially for you who follow a diet to reduce your weight. It can be consumed in the office instead of lunch, as a dessert and of course to replace dinner.

Low fat yogurt thanks to its ingredients, such as protein, potassium, calcium, vitamin D, plays an important role in increasing and endurance muscle mass, which makes it especially useful for athletes.

Cheese production – Dairy products

Cheese is the third main product in the dairy products line. It has a huge nutritional value. It is rich in protein, calcium, vitamins A and D, B-complex vitamin, phosphorus.

Due to the maturation of the cheese, the protein is broken down so that it is fully assimilated by the body and is more digestible. The high percentage of cheese in protein helps in the development of muscle tissue and in the repair of damaged tissues of the body.

Also, cheese products contain significant amounts of B-complex vitamins that are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Among other things, cheeses are an excellent source of calcium. In most cases, 60g of cheese provide 30-60% of the recommended daily intake. In recent years, more and more studies and research have demonstrated the importance of calcium in regulating metabolism and reducing body fat through lipolysis.

How much to eat?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming at least three servings of dairy products a day (1 serving of dairy products corresponds to 1 glass of milk, 1 cup of yogurt or 30 grams of cheese) to meet the body’s daily needs for calcium. During periods when needs are high, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, adolescence, and the first years after menopause, the recommended dairy intake may increase by one portion.

Try to:

Prefer low-fat dairy products and not whole milk. This way you avoid the intake of extra calories, as well as saturated (animal) fats.

Increase your intake of dairy products during the day:

  • Accompany soups or salads with some cheese.
  • Eat yogurt or cheese with fruit or bread with cheese as a snack.
  • Eat for breakfast milk and cereals or toast with cheese.
  • Make a milkshake or smoothie with milk or yogurt and fruit.

IDK has been specialized in the field of dairy machinery and stainless steel structures, for the construction of industrial projects. Kateris SA specializes in the design and construction of machinery and equipment for food industries.


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