Myths and truths about dairy products


Milk is the first and most important food in a person’s life as well as dairy products in general. In our company, IDK, we know everything about dairy products, so we can clear things up for you. From infancy, it accompanies all stages of development. In recent decades due to increased demand, milk consumption has increased significantly. The result is that there are many myths about its safety, while the nutritional value of other milk sources, such as goat’s and donkey’s milk, is gradually emerging.

Truth: As much as we love cheese and milk in our coffee, we should not overdo it

Dairy products, with all their fats, have been linked to heart disease and other health problems. But evidence-based research has so far yielded inconsistent results, with two recent studies suggesting that some dairy species are not our enemy. A study found that people who ate 3 servings of dairy a day had lower rates of cardiovascular disease and premature death compared with those who ate smaller amounts.

Dairy consumption should not be discouraged, but instead should be encouraged. Lean or low-fat dairy products are recommended, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soy drinks. Recognize that dairy intake is associated with improved bone health, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In other words, it is good to eat dairy, but it is better when it is lean or low in fat.

There are some obvious nutritional benefits that we get. They are good sources of protein, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. As for the issue of low fat, this is due to the fact that dairy products are usually high in saturated fat. Yogurt and kefir have additional benefits due to their fermentation but again the main benefit comes from their protein and nutrients.

Myth: We can’t live without dairy products

There are of course allergies and intolerances but also people who do not want to eat these products. There are alternative foods that contain the same nutrients. And at the end of the day, what plays the biggest role is a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, protein, carbohydrates and anti-inflammatory fats.

Myth: Pasteurization of milk degrades its nutritional value

The purpose of pasteurizing milk is to destroy all pathogenic microorganisms, so that the milk becomes safe for consumption. There are two types of pasteurization, low and high, and they vary in the degree of heat treatment of the milk. During pasteurization there are small losses of some B-complex vitamins, which are heat-sensitive, however the concentration of calcium and vitamin D remains unchanged.

Myth: Goat’s milk is not superior to cow’s milk

Goat’s milk is considered to be much more digestible than cow’s milk, while it does not contain the same percentage of lactose. As a result it can be consumed more easily, while it is responsible for fewer allergies. As for the cost in relation to antibiotics, due to the fact that there is less demand and production and goats are usually free to graze, the use of antibiotics and drugs is much lower, making it a healthier choice. In addition, goat’s milk has a higher content of riboflavin and vitamin A.

Truth: Milk with 0% fat should not be chosen

Although many believe that milk fat is responsible for weight gain or disturbed blood lipids, this is a misconception. Dairy products are a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and D. Consumption of lean dairy products has no nutritional value, as their beneficial elements can not be absorbed.

Myth: There is a certain amount of milk that must be consumed

There are no clear recommendations from international organizations regarding the consumption of dairy products. The recommendations so far concern and aim to cover the required intake of calcium and vitamins such as vitamin D, B vitamins, as well as certain minerals. If the diet can be balanced without consuming milk, then it is not necessary to consume it.

Truth: Baby milk can not compete with the value of breast milk

Breast milk is an indispensable food in the early stages of a baby’s life. Baby milk provides all the necessary elements for the development of the newborn. Breast milk, however, is much more digestible while strengthening and shielding the baby’s defenses as it provides antibodies and other factors that participate in the immunization of the organism. In addition, the benefits of breastfeeding are manifold as they help the mental development and emotional fullness of both the baby and the mother, something that is not achieved with infant formula.


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